The User agrees that all the rights for this computer information system/database (further related to as CIS/DB, the System, the Program) belong to Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State ATM Corporation" (further related to as the Enterprise), so that the authorship of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State ATM Corporation" and the CIS/DB developer LLC "Research, Design and Production Firm Spektr" (further related to as the Developer), as well as the operation algorithms in use, the ideas applied, documentation and other relevant information contained in the CIS/DB, are the intellectual property and/or commercial secret of the Enterprise and the Developer protected in accordance with civil and criminal legislations of the Russian Federation. The use of this CIS/DB by the User neither gives the latter any intellectual property rights for the CIS/DB, nor allows to obtain any rights for it, except for the rights specially mentioned in this Agreement.
With the exception of the cases stated otherwise in this Agreement, the User has no right to share or assign any of the rights given to them in accordance with this Agreement, neither any related liability.
The Use has no right to perform any unauthorized access or operation of the CIS/DB, including but not limited by the following:
- to allow any operation of the CIS/DB by persons having no right for such operation;
- to disassemble (to analyze or examine the software code);
- to decompile (to convert the software code into the source code), adapt or modify the CIS/DB;
- to perform any other unauthorized actions with CIS/DB, including its changing, translation, engineering and redesign, infringing Russian and international norms concerning copyright and the related rights while operating the CIS/DB.
The User agrees that any of his actions that have led or may lead to malfunction in the CIS/DB operation are the reason to make them accountable in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation, in addition the User shall compensate the restoration expenses for the proper operation of the CIS/DB.
The User agrees that his operation of the CIS/DB will be controlled by the Enterprise and the Developer in order to assure proper use of the System. Thereby, further use of the CIS/DB means the User agreement with monitoring the Program operation and the terms of its operation. Otherwise, if case of disagreement with the terms of this Agreement, the User shall quit the use of the CIS/DB and "log out of the System".